Energy management is crucial for CFOs. With rising costs and the push for sustainability, uncovering savings is more important than ever. From avoiding utility overpayments to tackling industry-specific energy challenges, we can guide you in making informed decisions that drive financial benefits for your organization.

Here are some key insights that every CFO should be aware of to optimize your energy practices and boost your bottom line.

1. Achieving Energy Savings Without Investments

Achieving substantial energy savings doesn’t always require investments. Simple, no-cost adjustments can lead to immediate savings. For example, optimizing operational schedules and refining energy usage habits can make a significant impact without any upfront costs.

2. Overpayment on Utilities

About 50% of businesses are overpaying for their utilities. This often results from outdated contracts, inefficient rate plans, or overlooked billing errors. Conducting a utility audit can help uncover these discrepancies, ensuring your business isn’t overspending on energy.

3. The Critical Role of Energy Line-Items

In industries such as restaurants, manufacturing, healthcare, data centers, and cold storage, energy costs often amount to a significant portion of the operational budget. Effectively managing these costs is crucial as these energy line-items can greatly influence your bottom line.

4. Energy Consumption in U.S. Buildings

Buildings in the United States account for approximately 40% of the country’s total energy usage, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). This highlights the importance of implementing effective energy management practices across various sectors.

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5. Insights from the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey

The Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey provides data on energy usage patterns across different types of commercial buildings. Understanding these energy patterns helps businesses identify areas of improvement and implement strategies to enhance energy efficiency.

Explore the data

6. Calculating Business Energy Consumption

Accurately calculating your business’s energy consumption is the first step towards identifying savings. Resources like Diversegy’s business energy consumption calculator measures and analyzes your energy usage. \

Check it out here


By staying informed and being proactive, CFOs can drive energy efficiency and significant cost savings within their organizations. Implementing these insights can lead to substantial financial benefits and contribute to a more sustainable future for your business. Optimize your energy management and realize your savings potential.

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