Case Study
Marine HYDRAULICS International
Sitting on the Elizabeth River in Norfolk, Virginia, Marine Hydraulics International (MHI) is an industry expert in marine system repairs. MHI provides a full range of repair, maintenance, and moderation services on all machinery, piping, electrical and structural systems. With 1,220’ wide pier and 36 feet of water capable of berthing up to four ships simultaneously, UMS reached out to MHI to see we could help save money on their growing utility bills–since they have grown into a full-service shipyard and engaged on various classes of US Navy vessels and Military Sealift Command.
UMS learned more about MHI’s operations by performing an onsite visit and was able to uncover over $90,000 in water/sewer savings. UMS also identified an additional $130,000 in electricity savings for MHI without any changes to their day-to-day operations.
Collectively, Marine Hydraulics is saving over $ 220,000 per year as a result of a UMS analysis.
The Facts
- Marine Hydraulics is an industry expert in marine system repairs with a 1,220' wide pier and 36 feet of water capable of berthing up to 4 ships simultaneously
- UMS completed an onsite visit to learn more about their unique operating characteristics
- UMS uncovered $90,000 in water/sewer savings on top of $130,000 in electricity savings